BLAM! Up! 2019!

BLAM! Up 2019!

      Peace and Great Day Family! It's Spring 2019. We all know what that means right? It's almost the end of the 1st Fiscal Quarter and The Tax Deadline is drawing near. Not to mention your annual incorporation fees. Being a business owner is more than just providing a product or service right? After factoring in all of the operating cost, you wonder how you will ever make a profit. Then on top of all of that, life happens. I don't know about you but, 2018 was a down hill battle for myself. We started off the top of the year really good. We worked with Ice Cubes "Big 3" Basketball League, "This is It" BBQ" & Seafood chain just to name a few and our existing clients were returning. 
       The 1st issue of my growing pains was that I didn't put enough time and care in my hiring process. The timing could've never been worse either. Hey, I guess we live and we learn correct? My solutions was establishing a payroll and a schedule system for my staff and I. Then out of nowhere, my business account was hacked. This caused a lot of turmoil. On top of all of the new expenses that came with having a payroll. Like: Department of Labor fees, Benefits Packages, Workers Comp fees, Insurance and oh yeah taxes on top of taxes. Needless to say that there was no way to refund to all of the overdraft fees, correct the transactions that resulted from the hack, and catch up as well as maintain. Just when I thought the worst had passed, my website was hacked and went down as well. My bank then closed my account and sent a check for the differences. 
         Despite the misfortune, our clients were still calling and shopping. I was finally able to get our site back up as well. Our new business account is set up too and we're back in business at 100%. Our clients are returning and we're gaining new clients regularly. It's going to take some time to get our SEO back up to par but, with Google's great tools like Google My Business, Maps, and Docs we are able to have a strong web presence.I suggest all business owners set up their accounts with them immediately if you haven't done so already. We're looking forward to our best year ever. This will be a BLAM! Up! Year for #TeamBLAM!

     To spread the Love, we're offering our New BLAM! Up Package! Distributing 5K flyers to your desired audience is a great way to generate a buzz around your brand. Not only will we distribute the flyers for you, we will design and print them for you as well. Making it convenient and affordable for you to gain a street presence. It's Spring, and there are a lot of events and festivals coming up. Target them with your branded flyer, offering specials on your products or services. This is a great way to build your social media following as well as traffic to your website. If you have a brick and mortar location too, this will a be a great way to generate foot traffic on top of it all. Because of you, we are inspired to Keep Going! This is our way of saying Thank You! 

Thank You for Choosing BLAM!
675 Metropolitan PKWY #5087
Atlanta GA, 30310
